Rain Gauge Sensor LAMBRECHT rain[e] 400

amazing resolution and accuracy

  • checking of sensors with tipping bucket and other weighing systems
  • compact and robust construction with a very low weight
  • all-metal housing, weatherproof and durable
  • best connectivity by several interfaces
  • installation and maintenance are very simple


Rain Gauge Sensor LAMBRECHT

This unique rain guage offers offers an extraordinary new kind of sensor. It has dual technology of traditional tipping bucket style combined with load cell weighing precision to give a supreme level of resolution  – 0.001mm – . It offers full functionality throughout the entire year, without the need for antifreeze fluid making the unit environmentally friendly as well as easy to use/maintain. The unique self emptying system allows single drop measurement ensuring its ability to achieve high resolution is maintained. It has multiple outputs including, SDI-12, RS485, Pulse, Status and 4-20ma. 

Data Sheet