ORP-1000L – Submersible oxygen reduction potential Sensor
The ORP-1000L is a submersible oxygen reduction potential (ORP) sensor designed and manufactured in Australia. With a multitude of ORP sensors deployed throughout Australia and the world, the ORP-1000L is proven to withstand harsh field conditions.
The ORP sensor only requires a low voltage power despite being fitted with an internal logger.
The internal logger allows the ORP sensor to be left in the field for an extended period of time. It is also possible to fit an onboard battery pack for times when power supplies cannot be provided.
Optional Extras for ORP-1000L
ORP Specifications
Measurement Technique: Platinum electrode with internal Ag/AgCl reference; Field Replaceable electrode
Range: ±1000mV
Accuracy: ±2% Full Scale
Sensor Outputs: Internal Data Logger – serial data via SensorMate software optional adaptor provides SDI12 serial output (3 wire)
Power supply: 8 to 30 V DC (at sensor), or on-board battery pack (option)
Current consumption: Sleep <0.2 mA, logging 20 mA, communicating 30 mA (consumption rates vary depending on parameters selected)
Internal data logger: Non-volatile, battery backed RAM with real time clock
Memory size: 4 Mb capacity, with user-selectable wrap function, typically 250,000 readings. (At 5-minute data for >12 months)
Dimensions (L x OD): 429.5 mm x 47 mm (16.91” x 1.85”)