ESS Earth Sciences are looking at ways to help our customers save money on Kipp and Zonen sensor calibrations.
Introducing the Calibration Express program.
We have started our program to save you between 20 to 37% on Kipp and Zonen sensor calibrations.
Do I need to calibrate my sensors?
Sensor calibration is important. Even Class A sensor sensitivity can drift by as much as 0.5% per year. To meet standards for some applications pyrheliometers and pyranometers need to be calibrated every 1-2 years. For other sensors and applications, manufacturers advise a period of between 2-5 years.
How much does it cost?
This will vary with the number of participants. Subsequently, the cost savings are primarily made through the pooling of shipping.
For price enquiries please contact us direct.
What if I change my mind after sending a sensor?
You can change your mind at any point before we ship the sensors. There is no charge other than for return postage, you can use your own courier if you prefer.
How you can save.
Your sensor will need to be at our facility before the 3rd November 2020. Before this date please contact ESS direct, we will be able to provide you an estimate of shipping and provide a calibration request document that will enable a smooth transaction.
Your schedule doesn’t suit my calibration schedule.
We are running the program approximately every 3 months so hopefully, the next time will suit. If it does not, then we can arrange for your sensor to be calibrated at a time does.

How long will it take?
The sensor will to be returned to you in approximately 3-4 weeks. However, is dependent on courier shipping times.
How many sensors can I calibrate?
As many as you like.
The program extends to Kipp and Zonen Pyranometers, pyrheliometers, sunshine duration sensors, and albedometers. However, other Kipp and Zonen sensors can be accommodated, please contact us to check for eligibility.
When is the next Calibration Express leaving?
3rd NOVEMBER 2020.
Ensure your sensors arrive with us at least three business days before this. Contact us for more information on deliveries etc.
After this the next Calibration Express dates are:
15th FEBRUARY 2021
17th MAY 2021
16th AUGUST 2021
Can you provide a loan unit?
This is something we are looking in to for the future, but at the moment we unfortunately cannot provide a loan unit.
I want to know more.
Contact us direct aand we will gladly discuss sensor calibration and the Calibration Express program in more detail.