With the complete user interface through your web browser, setting up a seismic observatory using eqServer has never been easier. Simply set your seismographs to send in continuous and/or triggered data, and eqServer will display realtime waveforms in your browser, store data to the archive and database, track the health of your network, automatically locate events and send you notifications, and compile earthquakes for Quick Quake for you to play with.
eqServer is available as a once-off purchase for a pre-configured network device that sits on your LAN, which is then accessed via web browsers on your network. eqServer is also available as a cloud-hosted service, with a once-off setup fee and a monthly access fee, where the SRC takes care of all of the hardware and software maintenance and ongoing support, leaving you free to concentrate on data analysis.
See our Support page to download the product manual.
Data Sheet: eqServer