ESS and Metasensing will be demonstrating the revolutionary FastGBSAR instrument in Sydney at the FMGM conference from the 9th to the 11th of September 2015. Come and visit Metasensing at Booth number 18, right outside the entry to the Plenary Sessions theatre.
The MetaSensing FastGBSAR (Fast Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar) instrument is the answer to monitoring unstable natural elements and critical artificial structures. The instrument can monitor deformation for observation of natural hazards and critical artificial structures with sub-millimetre accuracy in real time.
The FastGBSAR can do a super high resolution scan a slope from up to 4km away in around 10 seconds, which is astonishing when compared to the next fastest deformation monitoring radar system on the market, which takes about 5 minutes per scan! You can scan as quickly as every 4 seconds at lower resolutions, and you can detect sub-millimetre movement in each half-metre block, giving you true real-time alarm capability. This is a truly revolutionary product for managing an important aspect of mine safety.
Data sheets: FastGBSAR